Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Progress

A bunch of projects in the works, so the studio (i.e. my room) is in total shambles. The flower exterior is coming along nicely, the petals are attached and the legs are too, now it's just a matter of getting the gears in and the motor running. I spent at least six hours today soldering circuits together for the synthesizer and got three working, two mysteriously not working, and a wonderful new scar on my arm from accidentally putting it down on a burning hot iron holder. On the bright side it kind of looks like a Dalek.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Clouds Clouds Clouds: Day 2

Day 2 of the Clouds project: Last chance to paint a cloud for those who didn't make it on day 1. An hour and fifteen minutes of brush cleaning will follow promptly at midnight.

Last 4: The Bull Cloud (based on the myth of the cloud project's beginning); Nu-Age (charcoal dust cloud, nuage is French for cloud); Raincloud 1 (created by painting a flat tone of blue and then leaving the painting out in the rain for an hour); Raincloud 2 (same as Raincloud 1, but with lavender).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

We Have Clouds In Oakland

Day One Postcast: Clouds. Painting a mural for the Kimball front lobby, theme material from Peter Shaw's Clouds project. Ten inch by ten inch cloud paintings on canvas board. Some take a few seconds and some takes hours but everyone can make a cloud, regardless of skill or experience with painting. Mine are the typeset ones at the top and bottom. 50+ were finished on day 1; day 2 will have even more cloud paintings for those who missed out on the first chance.

 Peter Shaw and Sanaz Mazinani, project creator and Stanford MFA student.

Friday, February 11, 2011