Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Head Piece

In which James gets naked and sticks his head in a bucket of paint.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Raw Video Edits

These two clips are short studies from the "Body and Camera" class I'm currently taking. These are the raw edits, there will be finished versions sometime next week.

Treasure Island, Nimbleweed, Pika-Don Release Party, COLLAB

It's been a while since I gave an update, and there have been quite a few events. First off, the Treasure Island Music Festival took place October 16-17, and so I spent two days in a row camping out on the very front barricade between the crowd and the main stage (having a spot in the front basically just means getting there early and not going to the bathroom for ~10 hours). It was an unbelievable amount of fun, I saw a ton of great bands. My only regret is my phone dying on Sunday morning so I didn't get to take any pictures when, for instance, Matt Berninger of The National climbed into the crowd right next to me during "Terrible Love," their set closer, nor do I have a picture of myself holding Stuart Murdoch (lead singer of Belle & Sebastian) up on the barricade so that the girl next to me could put eyeshadow on him. As I said, it was an amazing two days of music. All my pictures are from Saturday; I found some with me in them from Sunday but they're all copyrighted and I don't want to re-post them here, it would be a little hypocritical, I think.

 Nic Offer of !!!
 Deadmau5 (I don't love the music but the stage set was cool).
James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem

On Monday was the next of the Tiny Couch Concert series in Kimball, this time the featured musicians were three members of Nimbleweed, a bluegrass band playing a bit of a stripped down set.

The big event Wednesday night was the official release party for Pika-Don, my graphic novel. I was too caught up talking and signing books to take pictures, but I do have one of the stack of books I currently have in my room, which I'll be signing and sending to a few special individuals.

Finally, today was the 2nd edition of COLLAB, a workshop sponsored by Kimball where artists can come in and paint, jam, sculpt, freestyle, and generally just get inspired by one another. I worked on a base drawing for something I'm working on in the vein of a synthetic landscape-- i.e. a hyper-real landscape made up of the most beautiful parts of other landscapes, to make something in synthesis which couldn't exist in the real world. It also incorporates some other elements and ideas which I'm aware of but don't want to write down just yet, not until I've finished the piece.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Headlands: Day 7&8: The Oncoming Swarm

Sunday and Monday are the final push: the six members of the corps prepare for the upcoming SWARMTH event on Tuesday. Tables are pushed, chairs are stacked, lists are made, lists are intensely crossed out, Dadaist rantings are implemented in the place of rational list-making, fireworks in the chimney are suggested and not entirely ruled out, and we are all slowly crushed under the mass of a cloud with the equivalent water weight of 17 million elephants. Prepare yourself for the oncoming swarm.