Thursday, October 7, 2010

Headlands: Day 3

Day 3: The day starts with another creative mapping exercise-- here the group is attempting to see what concepts and thoughts emerge from an open process in chalk on the basketball court, where there aren't any rules about what can be marked except that we would go one at a time in a circle, in what became a surprisingly solemn and meditative exercise. The idea of the swarm is reintroduced-- especially having learned that Headlands has just removed a 500 pound honeycomb from the wall of the gymnasium, to transport it to a new place where the colony can grow.

Later on, after dinner, Aaron leads a potion party in which the group is introduced to some elements of magic he utilizes in his practice: self-liberation, ninjitsu, and stealth, which we practice by being tied up and escaping from our bonds, practicing some martial arts on one another, and then playing an involved game of sardines/blob.

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