Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vision Earth/Demo Sale

(Photos from Kendra Peterson and my installation, Demo Sale. Materials from destroyed houses were inscribed with poetry based on the lives and stories of the people who lived there, and arranged as a miniature junkyard, to be taken or ignored as viewers saw fit.)

Some photos of other people's work from the festival:

Ethan Estes' Kinetic Pelican sculpture
Some of my painting from one of the other tents (the gold ones only). 

Plaster rodent skulls
Maybe too soon? The woodblock carving is a nice touch, though.
A large rock in a cage?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Broken Social Scene Live @ Vision Earth

Mid set BSS did a cover of the Modest Mouse song "The World At Large," and I took an iphone video with pretty terrible sound quality. It's worth checking out anyway, though:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Atonal Music Box: Final Stage


(Atonal Melody composed by Eric Tran)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Modulations Photos From Lively Arts

See a bunch of nicer pictures than the ones I took on the Stanford Lively Arts website. There's a slideshow including people other than me playing my piece!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Modulations is a one-night sound and kinetic art show presented by CCRMA (the Stanford experimental computer music department) at SOMArts in San Francisco. SOMArts is an interesting warehouse space off of the freeway at around 9th and Brannan St. The event, which I was staffing as well as installing a piece for, was four hours of gallery showings, followed by food from a deluxe grilled cheese cart outside, and then two hours of experimental sound performance and two hours of dance music. It was a good time and my legs are incredibly tired.

The gallery show included objects by Trimpin as well as PhD and Masters students in CCRMA, along with undergrads from the art department and MST (music, science & technology) departments.